Friday, April 17, 2015

Scenes From The Studio

I've been working out my DreamCuffs production flow, preparing for a few upcoming events.  Here are some snaps from my world.

DreamCuff detail layers cut from KraftTex, the Wonder Material!

My sticky cutting mat after peeling off a cut KraftTex layer.

These tiny bits are all over the house.  All. Over. The. House.

My Iridescent Film Color Charts, which I made to get an idea of how the different films interact with various colors painted under them.

My painting area, which has developed quite a lovely patina!

Check out the finished products at my Etsy Shop!

NEW Wall Decals Now Available!…/cristina-mcallister

I'm super excited to announce that many of my images are now available as gorgeous, high-quality wall art decals from My Wonderful Walls. I was approached by the company several months ago about licensing my art, and was impressed with their products, customer testimonials and the owner, who has been a joy to work with. Check out the Cristina McAllister Collection!…/cristina-mcallister