I turned 40 in August, and I’ve been noticing the changes in
my body. I put on weight more easily
these days (though I’ve never been prone to slimness). The texture of my hair has changed – more fine
and thin and wispy than it used to be. My skin gets very dry now, especially in
wintertime. Wrinkles are becoming more prevalent. Things are sagging.
No one wants to be those things, so we try to stave off aging, we hate seeing the signs of it in our own bodies. We are offended when people call us “ma’am”, we don’t want to be considered or called “old”. We lie about our age. We spend millions of dollars on skin creams and plastic surgery, fad diets and injecting toxins into our skin, etc....desperately trying to avoid those hideous changes that come with age.
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See how hideous she is in the Before picture??? |
But that’s a losing game, kids. No one has ever lived a long life without
getting old. It’s a part of the
process. We change constantly, and in
many ways predictably.
You have already changed profoundly throughout your
lifetime. You began as a single cell,
were born a plump and tiny infant. When
you grew into a child, did society scorn you for that development?
When you went through puberty and developed adult attributes,
were you encouraged to delay that change?
These life transitions are considered natural and normal – they are even
anticipated and celebrated.
But once you hit middle age, further progress along this
universal path of transition is no longer desirable. We want the inexorable march of time to halt,
or at least to slow down. We don’t want
to continue the journey we began at birth.
We want to maintain our youth, because wrinkles and sagging flesh and
less flexible joints and failing eyesight are terrifying, and even more
terrifying is that we know what comes next…death…and we are certainly not ready
for that!
But die we will.
Maybe in 50 years, maybe today.
And the only thing we can do in the face of inevitability is
to accept it and make peace with it.
Even find the beauty in it.
I am working on a piece about wisdom, featuring an old
woman, and while studying reference picture of wrinkled faces and recreating
them in my artwork, I began to see how beautiful the shapes and contours and
textures of aged skin are. The patterns suggest
the valleys cut by rivers through stone, the cracked surface of a dried
lake bed, the gnarled bark and fractal branches of trees.As far as I can tell, our skin just gets more and more interesting as we age. The smooth, featureless landscape of youthful skin seems incredibly boring by comparison.
I look at my hands now and I see a complex and fascinating
network of tiny lines, flexing and deepening, growing more and more intricate
as I progress on my journey through life.
I see the result of countless smiles etched into the flesh at the
corners of my eyes.
We don’t have to consider wrinkles ugly. That’s just the popular concept these days. But I don’t buy it. You don’t have to, either.
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"Laugh Lines" by Karen Walzer |
Personally, beyond the physical changes, I’ve found the
mental and emotional changes that come with age to be quite marvelous.
The longer I live, the more I experience and seek out
information, the bigger my picture of the universe gets, the more I’m able to
see how it all fits together, and find the beauty in the whole system – even
the scary parts like death, which seems less wrong and terrifying when we
realize it is a necessary part of the grand scheme of things.
My perspective is changing from micro to macro. I’m no longer so focused on myself and my own
little world, but able to perceive beyond the limits of my own life and
appreciate the greater context.
And when this happens, we realize that many of the things we
thought were true and obvious are really just certain ways of perceiving
things…and that there are many other ways that are just as compelling, if not
more so, than the ones we were raised with.
And that we have a choice in what we want to believe.
And that we have a choice in what we want to believe.
Teenagers look at the plump older lady at the grocery store
- no makeup, wearing sweatpants, and think: “Yuck! How awful, she’s just given up on life!”.
What they don’t realize is that the older lady has actually
figured out what life is really about, and it has little to do with looking
fashionable. Perhaps she’s come to the
conclusion that comfort is more important to her than what the teenagers at the
grocery store think of her.
Younger people can’t understand some of the things older
people do, but I think older people CAN understand why the younger folks do
what they do, because they have done it, and come out the other side into
somewhere different.

Younger people are focused on such things for a reason- they
are exploring and learning to navigate the world of their peers, which is
largely centered on finding a mate. In
our culture, appearance is considered very important in choosing a mate, and
the spectrum of “acceptable attractiveness” tends to be rather narrow,
considering the vast array of human distinctiveness of appearance. Only a small percentage of humans would be
considered beautiful if we stick to the fashion magazine standards. How ridiculous is that?! These days, even people who do fit the
standards of beauty are ripped apart for minor deviations. “I don’t think she’s that pretty”, they say
of some gorgeous actress, “she’s too skinny/fat/pale/etc.”, and they sneer in
I remember thinking
these kinds of thoughts when I was younger, and they still creep in today, but
I can realize now how utterly insane and dehumanizing such comments are.
These days I see the beauty in peoples’ distinctiveness, how
they change and grow, how they express themselves and impact one anothers'
My concept of beauty has broken free of the cage of societal
standards and embraces an infinitely more vast and meaningful spectrum.

Once we move past the fervent biological drive to mate and
reproduce, a whole new world opens up.
We can focus on other things, without worrying about all the rules about
impressing others and striving to present ourselves according to such standards. We begin to be motivated by what we think and
feel is right, rather than what everyone else thinks we should do or be. The consequences of not following the herd
become less fearful. We become less
sensitive to the judgments of others, because we’ve come to realize that those
who judge us are not necessarily correct.
Everyone has a developing concept of the world and how it should be, and
everyone is different. Once you figure
that out, it seems silly to expect ourselves to fit into any one “correct way”
of being.
It is up to us to decide how we should be, and the older we
get, the more experience and information we integrate into our understanding,
the more clear our personal concept of ourselves and how we want to be becomes.
This can also open us up to accepting others as they are,
instead of imposing a false standard on them.
It can take a lifetime to realize how little fitting in to
the current paradigm of physical appearance actually matters when it comes to
living a satisfying life.
But our modern world is dominated by this younger ideal.
We can either buy into that ideal (which can often result in
debilitating self loathing and dehumanizing criticism of others), or choose to
discard that ideal and rely upon our own wisdom to determine what has true
worth and meaning to us.
This shift in attitude is beautifully presented in this poem
by Jenny Joseph:
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick the flowers in other people's gardens
And learn to spit
You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes
But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.
But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.
Personally, I think getting old and “wearing purple” is
something we should celebrate.
It’s an accomplishment, getting this far - surviving all
that life has thrown at you over the years, learning so much. I find that age has allowed me to see my life as a narrative - as a story unfolding. From my older perspective I can look back on my life and see it's patterns and themes, witness the changes I have been through, and anticipate the new adventures and changes that future chapters will bring.
I am not offended at the idea of being an Old Lady. I consider it a great honor, and strive to
embrace that role with enthusiasm.
I figure I’m far more likely to succeed in that than in
trying to resist it. Fighting a battle
one cannot win is a waste of time and energy, and I choose not to spend the
rest of my life in such futility.
Instead, I’ll surrender to the continuation of my journey and work on
appreciating it for what it is, and enjoying where it takes me, and practicing gratitude for the chance to experience the "golden years".

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